潘时龙教授担任IEEE RWS2014技术委员会分会主席
发表于:2013-07-30 12:00:00

IEEE RWW/RWS 2014会议主席和共同主席的邀请,潘时龙教授将继续担任 High-speed and Broadband Wireless Technologies  subcommittee TPC Chair.


The 2014 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2014) will be held during the week of January 19, 2014 in Newport Beach, CA, USA. We will continue with the demo track that provides an interactive forum for hands-on demonstration of latest wireless experiments and innovations. As with previous years, RWS2014 and SiRF2014 will continue to hold joint sessions. Three topical conferences held in parallel provide more focused sessions in the areas of RF Power Amplifiers (PAWR2014), Biomedical Wireless Technologies and Sensing Systems (BioWireleSS2014), and Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNet2014). A short call for papers is on the next page for each of these conferences. More information is available through RWW2014 website at http://www.radiowirelessweek.org/.